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Open Access Article
Advances in International Finance. 2020; 2: (2) 1; 6-11 ; DOI: DOI:10.12208/j.aif.20200002.
*通讯作者: 侯永梅,单位:广东医科大学人文与管理学院心理学系;
发布时间: 2020-06-15 总浏览量: 1685
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目的 了解大学生消费行为的特点,分析其中的心理社会因素。方法 采用自编的消费行为调查表,对928名广东省大学生进行调查。结果 大学生的月均消费额度逐年上升,消费趋于多元化、高端化和个性化。大学生的消费总体上处于理性状态,但也存在冲动消费和超前消费等非理性消费。大学生的消费行为体现了他们渴望彰显个性、取得社会认同的成长需要,也反映了他们追求享受、规划能力和自制力不足的缺点。结论 消费问题对大学生的生活和成长有着深远的影响,这一问题是家庭教养、学校教育和社会引导等多方面因素综合作用的结果。
Objective This paper aims to understand the characteristics of Undergrates' consumption behavior and analyze the psychosocial factors. Method Totally 928 undergrates in Guangdong Province were investigated with a self-designed questionnaire on consumption behavior. Results The average monthly consumption of undergrates is increasing year by year, and the consumption tends to be diversified, high-end and personalized. On the whole, the consumption of undergrates is in a rational state, but there are also irrational consumption such as impulse consumption and advanced consumption. The consumption behavior of undergrates reflects their growing need to show their personality and gain social identity. It also reflects their seeking enjoyment and lack of planning ability and self-control. Conclusion The consumption problem has a profound impact on the life and growth of undergrates. This problem is the combined result of many factors such as family education, school education and social guidance.
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